Autoimmunity Unlocked

5 Keys to Transform Microbiome, Immune, and Digestive Health and Reclaim Your Life. A 5R+ Holistic Guide for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Crohn’s (Encyclopedic Edition)

by Anar R Guliyev, M.D.

Appendix 1: Illustrations, Tables, and Videos



DILL+ and 5R+
Figure 1.1 - The 5 Key Components of Autoimmune Disease (DILL+) and the 5 Elements of Holistic Healing (5R+): Restoring the Ecosystem of Microbiome, Immune Cells, and Digestive Health.

For detailed diagrams, see Bonus 1. Printable Mind Map of 5R+ Keys and Tactics


Hope in the Face of the Incurable

Pills vs Lifestyle Change+
Figure 1.2


Immune System — The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


The Ugly: An Ailing Immune System

Pills vs Lifestyle Change+
Figure 2.1 - The increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases. Source:
Modern Autoimmunity Problem
Figure 2.2 - Autoimmune disease in the United States (Image Credit: AICS) by Vivek Mandan. Discover Magazine, 2016
Frequent Autoimmune Diseases
Figure 2.3 - Common autoimmune diseases
According to AARDA there are more than 150 Autoimmune Diseases:
Figure 2.4 - List of 150+ autoimmune diseases according to AARDA (American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association)


The Good: The Holistic Way to Restore Immune Health

Immune Cells in Your Body’s Ecosystem

Healthy Immune System Connections
Figure 2.5 - Healthy immune system factors supporting each other

DILL+: Locks and Vicious Cycles

Sick Immune System Connections
Figure 2.6 - Sick immune system factors: DILL+ "locks"
Vicious Cycles of DILL+
Figure 2.7 - Vicious cycles of DILL+

5R+: Understanding the Healing Strategy

Locks (DILL+) Keys (5R+)
Dysbiosis Repopulate the microbiome with healthy bacteria
Inflammation Reduce inflammation
Leaky gut Repair the intestinal epithelium
Lazy gut Reawaken intestinal motility
+ Other pathological factors Recondition factors beyond the digestive system

As Your Healing Progresses:

+ Reintroduce (gradually) healthy foods removed during the active healing phase

These steps lead to:

Restored immune system

Figure 2.8 - DILL+ "locks" and corresponding 5R+ "keys"
5 Keys to Unlock the Autoimmune Shackles — Large Mind Map Complete Printable Mind Map of 5R+ Keys and Tactics:
download at


Key 1. Dysbiosis: Repopulate the Microbiome

Key 1 Tactics - Repopulate the Microbiome - Composition Key 1 Tactics - Repopulate the Microbiome - Distribution
Figure 3.0.1 - Key 1 Tactics. Repopulate the Microbiome.

For Colorful Mind Map of All 5R+ Keys and Tactics, see Bonus 1


The Last Discovered Organ That Reshapes Our Understanding of Health

Microbial Forces Within Us

Human Microbiome
Figure 3.1 - Human Microbiome in numbers

A Busy, Adaptable Organ

Normal Microbiome Functions Consequences of Compromised Function
Prevent pathogenic infection through microbiome inertia Tendency toward food infections, bowel disorders, SIBO, ulcers
Produce an energy source for gut epithelium Unhealthy gut epithelium, malabsorption, hypovitaminosis, leaky gut, ulcers, anemia, food intolerance, some allergies
Stimulate normal gut motility Lazy gut, constipation, diarrhea
Synthesize certain required nutrients—essential amino acids, some vitamins (K, B12) Lack of some nutrients, anemia, bleeding tendency, unhealthy gut epithelium
Maintain a healthy immune system Immune disorders—allergies, autoimmune diseases, higher probability of some cancers
There are still many unknowns; we are still discovering functions and connections to diseases.
Figure 3.2 - Normal microbiome functions and consequences of compromised function

Maintaining a Resilient Microbiome

Factors That Keep Your Microbiome Healthy
Factors: We Cover These In:
Digestive Process, Stomach Acid, Bile, Saliva, Mastication Key 1. Dysbiosis: Repopulate the Microbiome.
Food Ingredients and Eating Habits Key 1. Dysbiosis: Repopulate the Microbiome.
Bacterial Ecosystem Inertia and Resilience Key 1. Dysbiosis: Repopulate the Microbiome.
Intestinal Immune System Status Key 2. Inflammation: Reduce.
Digestive System Epithelium Key 3. Leaky Gut: Repair.
Gastrointestinal Motility Key 4. Lazy Gut: Reawaken.
Continuous Contact with Germs Key 5. Factors Beyond Digestive Health: Recondition. ➢ The Hygiene Paradox: When Cleaning Backfires.
Climate and Microclimate Key 5. Factors Beyond Digestive Health: Recondition. ➢ Environment and Climate: Where You Live Matters.
Figure 3.3 - Factors that keep your microbiome healthy


Healing an Ecosystem

DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Dysbiosis
Figure 3.3.1 - DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Dysbiosis


Dimension 1: Microbiome Composition

Variety — Farmland vs. Forest

Microbiome Diversity of Hadza hunter-gatherers
Figure 3.4 - Microbiome Diversity of Hadza hunter-gatherers. Source:
Gut Microbiota Biomarkers and Functional Diversity Within an Amazonian Semi-Nomadic Hunter–Gatherer Group
Figure 3.5 - Gut microbiota biomarkers and functional diversity within an amazonian semi-nomadic hunter–gatherer group. Source:


Actively Repopulate


For a collection of recipes, see Bonus 2. The Art of Fermentation: Delicious Vegetable and Dairy Probiotics Recipes

Food diversity

World Food Diversity
Figure 3.6 - World food diversity. Source:
Main Crops and Animals
Figure 3.7 - Main crops and animals


Dimension 2: Microbiome Distribution

Concentration of bacteria, oxygenation, and acidity across the digestive tract
Figure 3.8 - Concentration of bacteria, oxygenation, and acidity across the digestive tract. Source:


Feeding Your Enemies

Sweet Does Not Equal Good

Natural Sweeteners
Added Sugars Labels
Added Sugars Labels
  • Agave nectar/syrup
  • Barley malt
  • Beet sugar
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Brown sugar
  • Buttered sugar
  • Cane crystals
  • Cane juice
  • Cane sugar
  • Caramel
  • Carob syrup
  • Castor sugar
  • Coconut sugar
  • Confectioner's sugar
  • Corn sweetener
  • Corn syrup
  • Crystalline fructose
  • Date sugar
  • Demerara sugar
  • Dextrin
  • Dextrose
  • Diastatic malt
  • Ethyl maltol
  • Florida crystals
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice/nectars
  • Galactose
  • Glucose
  • Golden sugar
  • Golden syrup
  • Grape sugar
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  • Honey
  • Icing sugar
  • Invert sugar
  • Lactose
  • Malt syrup
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltose
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Muscovado sugar
  • Panela sugar
  • Raw sugar
  • Refiner's syrup
  • Rice syrup
  • Sorghum syrup
  • Sucanat
  • Sucrose
  • Syrup
  • Treacle
  • Turbinado sugar
  • Yellow sugar
Figure 3.9 - Added sugars labels
Unnatural Sweeteners
Unnatural Sweeteners Labels
Unnatural Sweeteners Labels
  • Acesulfame Potassium:
    • ACK, Ace K, Equal Spoonful (also +aspartame), Sweet One, Sunett
  • Aspartame:
    • APM, AminoSweet, Aspartyl-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester, Canderel (not in US), Equal Classic, NatraTaste Blue, NutraSweet
  • Aspartame-Acesulfame Salt:
    • TwinSweet
  • Cyclamate:
    • Calcium cyclamate, Cologran (cyclamate and saccharin), Sucaryl
  • Erythritol:
    • Sugar alcohol, Zerose, ZSweet
  • Glycerol:
    • Glycerin, Glycerine
  • Glycyrrhizin:
    • Licorice
  • Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate (HSH):
    • Sugar alcohol
  • Isomalt:
    • Sugar alcohol, ClearCut Isomalt, Decomalt, DiabetiSweet (also contains Acesulfame-K), Hydrogenated Isomaltulose, Isomaltitol
  • Lactitol:
    • Sugar alcohol
  • Maltitol:
    • Sugar alcohol, Maltitol Syrup, Maltitol Powder, Hydrogenated High Maltose Content Glucose Syrup, Hydrogenated Maltose, Lesys, MaltiSweet (hard to find online to buy), SweetPearl
  • Mannitol:
    • Sugar alcohol
  • Neotame
  • Polydextrose:
    • Sugar alcohol (Derived from glucose and sorbitol)
  • Saccharin:
    • Acid saccharin, Equal Saccharin, Necta Sweet, Sodium Saccharin, Sweet N Low, Sweet Twin
  • Sorbitol:
    • Sugar alcohol, D-glucitol, D-glucitol syrup
  • Stevia:
    • Truvia, Pure Via, SweetLeaf, Splenda Naturals Stevia
  • Sucralose:
    • 1',4',6'-Trichlorogalactosucrose, Trichlorosucrose, Equal Sucralose, NatraTaste Gold, Splenda
  • Tagatose:
    • Naturlose
  • Xylitol:
    • Sugar alcohol, Smart Sweet, Xylipure, Xylosweet
* Some of these ingredients are synthetic, while others, despite being plant-based, remain unnatural as regular components of the human diet.
Figure 3.10 - Unnatural sweeteners labels

Starch: From Protagonist to Bit Player

Starchy Foods
Nutritious natural foods, rich in starch, including resistant starch, and packed with protein and other essential nutrients. 1. Most nutritious
  • Pulses
    • Lentils
    • Beans
    • Peas
    • Chickpeas
  • Chia
  • Quinoa
Natural foods high in starch but with lower levels of resistant starch and less protein and other nutrients 2a. More nutritious
  • Grains:
    • Wheat
    • Rice
    • Oats
    • Buckwheat
2b. Less nutritious
  • Corn
  • Starchy tubers:
    • Potatoes
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Yams
Processed starchy foods made from refined carbohydrates that lack resistant starch and other beneficial nutrients 3. Not nutritious
  • Bread
  • Various bakery products
  • Pasta
  • Crackers
Figure 3.11 - Starchy foods categories


Other Risks to Your Microbiome Health


Antibiotics Residues in Food
antibiotic residues in animal products
Figure 3.12 - Antibiotic residues in animal products based on allowed maximum residue limits (MRL). Source:
antimicrobial consumption in cattle, chickens, and pigs
Figure 3.13 - Estimates of antimicrobial consumption in cattle, chickens, and pigs in OECD countries. Source:

Chemical Additives and Toxins in Our Food

Chemical Toxins in a Polluted World
Microplastics and Nanoplastics
Microplastics in Oceans
Figure 3.14 - Microplastics in oceans. Source:
Heavy Metals and Chelation Foods
Arsenic Pollution Map
Figure 3.15 - Arsenic pollution map. Source:
Lead Pollution Map
Figure 3.16 - Lead pollution map. Source:
Mercury Pollution Map
Figure 3.17 - Mercury pollution map. Source:


Key 2. Inflammation: Reduce

Key 2 Tactics - Reduce Inflammation
Figure 4.0.1 - Key 2 Tactics. Reduce Inflammation

For Colorful Mind Map of All 5R+ Keys and Tactics, see Bonus 1


Inflammation and Other DILL+ Factors

DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Inflammation
Figure 4.1 - DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Inflammation


Inflammatory Foods

Fats and Oils

Fats and Oils Cheatsheet
Type Class Consistency Products
Saturated fats solid at room temperature
  • Animal-based products such as meat, dairy, and poultry. Butter.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Palm oil.
  • Unsaturated fats N-3 (omega-3) rich Oils liquid at room temperature
  • Fish. *
  • Flaxseed oil.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Hemp seeds.
  • Walnuts.
  • Pecans.
  • Canola oil **
  • N-6 (omega-6) rich Oils
  • Corn oil.
  • Soybean oil.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Safflower oil.
  • Sesame oil.
  • Peanut oil.
  • Cottonseed oil.
  • Grapeseed oil.
  • Other Oils
  • Avocado oil. *
  • Olive oil.
  • Trans Fats and Hydrogenated Oils Partially Hydrogenated (Trans Fats) Solid or semi-solid at room temperature
  • Artificially altered vegetable fats found in some processed foods.
  • Mostly banned in foods in the US.
  • Fully Hydrogenated
  • Artificially altered vegetable fats found in some processed foods.
  • * The highlighted categories are recommended as your primary sources of oils/fats.
    ** Some studies suggest canola oil may increase inflammatory markers, so it is better to avoid it.
    Figure 4.2 - Fats and Oils Cheatsheet

    Fatty Acids in some Dietary Fats
    Figure 4.3 - Fatty Acids in some Dietary Fats


    Individual Food Reactions

    Eliminate-Reintroduce-Reset Technique (ERR)

    ERR Journey Plan
    Food Baskets—The Big Picture
    Green Basket
    (1st choice)
    • Vegetables & Greens: All except hard, fibrous types.
    • Fruits: All except those that commonly cause allergies or are high in starch.
    • Vegetable Oils: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Herbs
    Blue Basket
    (2nd phase)
    • Vegetables: All except those from the nightshade family.
    • Pulses: High in protein and fiber, and easiest to digest.
    • Spices: Avoid hot and irritating varieties.
    • Fruits: Exclude common allergens.
    • Fish
    Yellow Basket
    • Fruits: All that may cause allergic reactions.
    • Grains: Only gluten-free varieties.
    • Seeds
    • Fermented Dairy Probiotics: Easiest to digest and least allergenic.
    Orange Basket
    • Nuts
    • Grains and Pulses
    • Vegetables: Nightshade family.
    • Oils and Fats: Rich in saturated fats.
    • Animal Products: Non-processed cheese, meat, poultry, and eggs.
    Red Basket
    • Alcohol and Caffeine
    • Artificial Additives
    • Processed and Refined Foods
    • Spices: Hot and irritating varieties (containing capsaicin or isothiocyanate).
    • Dairy Products: Highly processed and raw milk.
    • Soy Products
    • Processed Meat
    • Sugar
    • Fats and Oils: Trans-fats and hydrogenated oils.
    Figure 4.4 - Food Baskets: The Big Picture

    For detailed lists, see Bonus 3. Food Baskets: Foods Ranked by Probability of Disrupting the Gut-Microbiome-Immune Ecosystem


    Cheatsheet of Inflammatory Foods and their Alternatives

    Worse Better
    Oils and Fats
  • Trans-fat, hydrogenated vegetable oils—margarine, shortening, butter-like spreads.
  • Deep-fried foods
  • N-6 (omega-6) rich oils: corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, and cottonseed oil.
  • Butter
  • Animal fats, lard
  • Coconut oil and palm oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Fish oil
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Olive oil
  • Walnut oil
  • Proteins and Animal Products
  • Shellfish
  • Red meat (beef, pork). Especially sourced from grain-fed animals.
  • Meat and poultry sourced from animals treated with antibiotics or hormones.
  • Processed meat
  • Cow's milk products
  • Dairy sourced from animals treated with antibiotics or hormones.
  • Dairy with sweeteners or starch
  • Raw milk
  • Cheese, especially processed cheese or cheese with mold.
  • Eggs
  • Soy and soy products
  • Peanuts and most nuts—temporary hold, until significant progress is made repairing DILL+.
  • Pulses: lentils, chickpeas, and beans
  • Seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax, chia, sesame, and quinoa
  • Chestnuts
  • Fish
  • Other nuts—after significant progress repairing DILL+

  • Relatively ok alternatives:
  • Lamb, goat's meat sourced from animals never treated with antibiotics or hormones—a better option than other meats.
  • Naturally fermented dairy probiotics, made of milk sourced from animals never treated with antibiotics or hormones. Free from additives. Ideally, made of sheep or goat milk.
  • Some kinds of probiotic cheese, ideally, made of sheep or goat milk—after significant progress repairing DILL+.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Sugars
  • Refined carbs
  • Synthetic sweeteners
  • Refined flour
  • High-starch food
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Gluten-containing products and grains
  • Bread, pastry, bakery
  • Nightshade family vegetables: eggplants, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatillos
  • Vegetables, fruits, greens, herbs—complex carbohydrates with fiber
  • Resistant Starch: pulses, uncooked oats
  • Flatbread of chickpea flour
  • Spices and Herbs
  • Mustard
  • Horseradish, wasabi
  • Peppers: chili, jalapeno, serrano, cayenne, etc
  • Turmeric (Curcuma)
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Cardamom
  • Aloe vera
  • Anise
  • Black pepper
  • Herbs: oregano, peppermint, thyme, dill, melissa (Lemon Balm), rosemary, fennel, chives, etc
  • Figure 4.5 - A Cheatsheet of Inflammatory Foods and their Alternatives


    Key 3. Leaky Gut: Repair

    Key 3 Tactics - Repair Leaky Gut
    Figure 5.0.1 - Key 3 Tactics. Repair Leaky Gut

    For Colorful Mind Map of All 5R+ Keys and Tactics, see Bonus 1


    Constant Repair

    Cell renewal rates in different tissues of the human body
    Figure 5.1 - Cell renewal rates in different tissues of the human body. Source: Cell Biology by the Numbers, by Rob Phillips and Ron Milo.


    Gut Lining and Other DILL+ Factors

    DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Leaky Gut
    Figure 5.2 - DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Leaky Gut (unhealthy intestinal epithelium)


    Eliminate Obstacles

    Obstacle #4: Harmful Food Ingredients

    Gluten-containing products Gluten-free products
  • Wheat.
  • Barley.
  • Rye.
  • Triticale.
  • Farina.
  • Spelt.
  • Kamut.
  • Farro.
  • Couscous.
  • Oats: often get contaminated during processing. Additionally, some varieties may inherently possess gluten. Opt for certified gluten-free oats.
  • Soy sauce: it frequently includes wheat as an ingredient.
  • Gluten-free grains:
  • Quinoa.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Rice.
  • Millet.
  • Sorghum.
  • Oats: Choose oats that are certified gluten-free.
  • Amaranth.
  • Corn.
  • Teff.

  • Other gluten-free options:
  • Legumes: beans, peas, lentils
  • Seeds: sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds.
  • Nuts
  • Figure 5.3 - Gluten-containing and gluten-free products
    Saturated Fats and Excessive Omega-6 Oils

    See Fats and Oils Cheatsheet

    Obstacle #5: Medication

    Most common NSAIDs
    Generic Name Synonyms, Brand Names Selectivity
    Acetylsalicylic acid Aspirin, ASA, Ecotrin, Aspir-Tab, Bayer Aspirin Non-selective
    Celecoxib Celebrex, Celebra, Onsenal Relatively more selective
    Diclofenac Voltaren, Cataflam, Dicloflex, Solaraze, Zipsor, Pennsaid, Voltaren Gel, Cambia, Flector Patch Less selective
    Etoricoxib Arcoxia Relatively more selective
    Etodolac Lodine, Lodine XL Relatively more selective
    Ibuprofen Brufen, Motrin, Advil, Nuprin, Nurofen Non-selective
    Ketoprofen Orudis, Oruvail, Actron, Ketoral, Ketoprofen Delayed-Release, Orudis KT Non-selective
    Meloxicam Mobic, Mobicox, Arava, ​​Vivlodex, Movalis Less selective
    Naproxen Naprosyn, Naxen, Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn EC Non-selective
    Parecoxib Dynastat Relatively more selective
    Figure 5.4 - Most common NSAIDs


    Active Repair

    Nutrition For the Gut Epithelium

    Soluble Fiber

    See The Fiber Paradox: Why Eat What You Can’t Digest

    Resistant Starch

    See Starch: From Protagonist to Bit Player


    Key 4. Lazy Gut: Reawaken

    Key 4 Tactics - Reawaken Lazy Gut
    Figure 6.0.1 - Key 4 Tactics. Reawaken Lazy Gut

    For Colorful Mind Map of All 5R+ Keys and Tactics, see Bonus 1


    Gut Motility: Speedy or Sluggish

    Bowel Transit Time

    Bowel Transit Time
    Figure 6.1 - Bowel Transit Time: the shift of definitions and the "Lazy Gut" concept


    Gut Motility and Other DILL+ Factors

    DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Lazy Gut
    Figure 6.2 - DILL+ Vicious Cycles: Lazy Gut (slow gastrointestinal motility)


    Physical Activities for Optimal Bowel Transit

    Strengthening the Core and Abdominal Muscles

    Figure 6.3 - 10 Minute abs blaster. Video Guide.
    Figure 6.4 - How to plank properly for beginners—step by step tutorial. Video Guide.
    Figure 6.5 - Exercises for relieving constipation, IBS bloating and abdominal pain. Video Guide.

    Flushing the Gut: Ayurvedic Shankha Prakshalana Technique Simplified

    Figure 6.6 - Ayurvedic Shankha Prakshalana technique for digestive tract cleansing. Video Guide.


    Your Food and Gut Motility

    The Fiber Paradox: Why Eat What You Can’t Digest

    Two Types of Fiber: Tailoring Intake for Specific Conditions
    Soluble Fiber Insoluble Fiber
    • Pectin
    • Gums
    • Inulin
    • Glucans
    • Fructans
    • Cellulose
    • Lignin
    • Hemicellulose
    • Softer, gel-forming.
    • Fermentable by gut bacteria.
    • Rough, insoluble.
    • Less fermentable by gut bacteria.
    Can cause problems in people with
    • Disrupted Microbiome Distribution
    • Leaky Gut and unhealthy intestinal lining.
    Mitigate issues by
    • Bitter herbs, spices and other tactics to suppress bacterial activity.
    • See Key 1 section.
    • Thorough mastication, opting for soft greens, and mechanical processing.
    • See Key 3 section.
    • Fruits, berries—fresh and dried.
    • Vegetables: Carrots, Onions, Garlic, Leeks, Chicory, Dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke, Asparagus, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Squash, Avocado, Okra.
    • Kelp
    • Legumes/Pulses: Beans, Lentils, Peas
    • Chia seeds, Oats, Flaxseed
    • Psyllium (also acts as insoluble fiber, a bulk-forming laxative)
    • Leafy Greens: Spinach, Arugula, Parsley, Kale, Swiss chard, celery.
    • Vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Bok choy, Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Daikon, Radishes, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Squash, Avocado, Okra.
    • Legumes/Pulses: Beans, Lentils, Peas
    • Wheat bran
    • Psyllium (also acts as a source of soluble fiber)
    • Potatoes, yams, and other starchy vegetables are high in starch and low in fiber. It is best to reduce or avoid them.
    • All plants contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, though the proportions vary.
    • Animal products contain zero fiber.
    Figure 6.7 - Two types of fiber: Tailoring your intake for specific conditions


    Key 5. Factors Beyond Digestive Health: Recondition

    Key 5 Tactics - Recondition Factors Beyond Digestive Health
    Figure 7.0.1 - Key 5 Tactics. Recondition Factors Beyond Digestive Health

    For Colorful Mind Map of All 5R+ Keys and Tactics, see Bonus 1


    Hormones. Why Do Females Experience More Autoimmune Conditions?

    Autoimmune Diseases—Males and Females
    Figure 7.1 - Autoimmune diseases prevalence: Males and Females


    Physical Exercises

    Core and Abdominal Muscles

    See Strengthening the Core and Abdominal Muscles

    Improve Blood Circulation in Your Limbs: A Simple Exercise

    Figure 7.2 - Nishi Shiki, Capillary circulation exercise. Video Guide.


    Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

    Sleep’s Role in Combating Chronic Illness

    Age Group Recommended Hours of Sleep Per Day
    Newborn 0-3 months 14-17 hours
    Infant 4-12 months 12-16 hours
    Toddler 1-2 years 11-14 hours
    Preschool 3-5 years 10-13 hours
    School Age 6-12 years 9-12 hours
    Teen 13-18 months 8-10 hours
    Adult 18-64 years 7-9 hours
    65 years and older 7-8 hours
    Figure 7.3 - Recommended Hours of Sleep Per Day. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

    Circadian Rhythms

    Sleep Cycle Disruption

    Recommended Mobile apps: See Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Hidden Threats to Brain Health

    Screens, Bulbs, and Night Light
    Light Type Temperature Range (Kelvin) Applications
    A candle 1800K
    Very warm, Soft 1800K - 2400K Creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, ideal for bedrooms.
    Warm, Soft. 2500K - 3200K Providing a warm and inviting ambiance, suitable for bedrooms, living rooms, etc.
    Neutral, Cool white 3300K - 4000K Promoting alertness and focus, perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, home offices, etc.
    Daylight 4100K - 5000K Simulating natural daylight, enhancing task performance and mood. Suitable for home offices.
    Cool daylight, Natural sunlight 5500K - 6500K Mimicking natural sunlight, ideal for areas requiring bright illumination, such as workshops.
    Blue sky 10000K
    Figure 7.4 - Light temperature range and applications

    Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Hidden Threats to Brain Health

    Android Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker Android Apple
    Figure 7.5 - Recommended mobile apps
    Oropharyngeal Exercises
    Figure 7.6 - Throat exercises for snoring and sleep apnoea. Video Guide.
    Figure 7.7 - Exercises for sleep apnea, snoring, sinus pressure. addressing the nose, throat & tongue. Video Guide.
    Figure 7.8 - Exercises for snoring, sleep apnea & singing. tongue exercises, nasal breathing & more. Video Guide.


    Eliminate Other Autoimmune Triggers

    Oral Microbiome, Gums, and Teeth

    Build a Winning Oral Health Routine
    Mechanical Cleaning
    Figure 7.9 - Teeth brushing direction: effective cleansing of periodontal pockets
    Figure 7.10 - How to brush your teeth with gum recession. Video Guide.